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Kisspeptin acts to control hormone secretion as it relates to reproduction. Kisspeptin can influence testosterone levels and sex-related behaviors like drive and motivation. Research also suggests it may help to reverse some of the effects of aging. Kisspeptin-10 was also studied in Cancer Biology.


Kisspeptin-10 and Female Sex Drive

Kisspeptin has already been identified as the key molecule within the brain responsible for triggering puberty and controlling fertility. A new study in mice reveals that a subset of neurons in an evolutionarily ancient part of brain, the hypothalamus, drive both attraction to the opposite sex and sexual behavior by two independent mechanisms.


Energy Balance

Kisspeptin neurons have long been known to be sensitive to the energy status of an individual. Both under-nutrition and severe over-nutrition can blunt the action of kisspeptin neurons in stimulating GnRH release. In fact, drastic changes in energy balance can lead to infertility in both men and women, a process that appears to be mediated by kisspeptin. (1)

So it is well understood that kisspeptin production and release is sensitive to energy balance. What is becoming clearer, however, is that kisspeptin may itself regulate energy balance. This finding arose through the observation of mice in which the kisspeptin receptor (Kiss1r) was removed via genetic manipulation. These mice showed increased adiposity and reduced energy expenditure. It turns out that the kisspeptin receptor is found in adipose (fat) tissue and brown adipose tissue. It should not come as a surprise that kisspeptin plays a role in energy balance as energy status and reproductive fitness have always been tightly linked. It seems that kisspeptin may be one link that helps to explain the neurochemical control that leads to energy modulating behavior in relation to reproduction.


Kisspeptin and the control of emotions, mood and reproductive behaviour


In addition to sexual stimulation, an important precursor to reproduction is the desire to bond with a partner. Studies of bonding have examined different types: romantic love, maternal love, and unconditional love. Studies of romantic love demonstrate activations in dopamine-rich and basal ganglia structures such as the putamen, thalamus, and globus pallidus (2).



Kisspetin-10 and Cancer


The antimetastatic effect of Kisspeptins is generated through phosporylation of different MAPK’S and dephosphorylation of Akt.

Activation of intracellular kinases upon kisspeptin stimulation appears to be, at least partially, dependent on the cellular context.

In breast and ovarian cancer kisspeptin expression has been associated with metastasis and tumor growth.

In breast cancer the KiSS-1/KiSS-1R signaling may be able to regulate the initiation, progression, proliferation and metastasis of breast cancer cells through the activation of RhoA GTPases and by inducing an increase in MMP-9 activity.

In triple-negative breast cancer, there is KiSS-1 and KiSS-1R upregulation and KiSS-1R signaling promotes drug resistance and tumor invasion.


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THIS PRODUCT IS STRICTLY INTENDED FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY. It is designated solely as a research chemical. Usage is confined to in vitro testing and laboratory experimentation exclusively. Information available on our website about this product is for educational purposes only and should not be interpreted as an endorsement or directive for use outside these bounds. Introducing this product into humans or animals by any route is strictly prohibited by law. Handling of this product should be undertaken only by licensed, qualified professionals.

This product is not to be used as a drug, food, or cosmetic. Misbranding, misusing, or mislabeling this product as a drug, food, or cosmetic is illegal. Users are responsible for complying with all applicable laws and regulations regarding the handling and use of this product.

THE PRODUCTS PURCHASED ON THIS WEBSITE ARE INTENDED FOR RESEARCH CHEMICAL USE ONLY. These products are not intended to be used for human or animal consumption and/or ingestion of any kind. These products should not be used as food additives, drugs or household chemicals. These products should only be used by Qualified Professionals.
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Kisspeptin acts to control hormone secretion as it relates to reproduction. Kisspeptin can influence testosterone levels and sex-related behaviors like drive and motivation. Research also suggests it may help to reverse some of the effects of aging. Kisspeptin-10 was also studied in Cancer Biology.


Kisspeptins-10 and Female Sex Drive

It has already been identified as the key molecule within the brain responsible for triggering puberty and controlling fertility. A new study in mice reveals that a subset of neurons in an evolutionarily ancient part of brain, the hypothalamus, drive both attraction to the opposite sex and sexual behavior by two independent mechanisms.


Energy Balance

Kisspeptin’s neurons have long been known to be sensitive to the energy status of an individual. Both under-nutrition and severe over-nutrition can blunt the action of kisspeptin’s neurons in stimulating GnRH release. In fact, drastic changes in energy balance can lead to infertility in both men and women, a process that appears to be mediated by kisspeptin’s. (1)

So it is well understood that kisspeptin’s production and release is sensitive to energy balance. What is becoming clearer, however, is that it may itself regulate energy balance. This finding arose through the observation of mice in which the receptor (Kiss1r) was removed via genetic manipulation. These mice showed increased adiposity and reduced energy expenditure. It turns out that the kisspeptin’s receptor is found in adipose (fat) tissue and brown adipose tissue. It should not come as a surprise that it plays a role in energy balance as energy status and reproductive fitness have always been tightly linked. It seems that kisspeptin may be one link that helps to explain the neurochemical control that leads to energy modulating behavior in relation to reproduction.


Kisspeptin and the control of emotions, mood and reproductive behaviour


In addition to sexual stimulation, an important precursor to reproduction is the desire to bond with a partner. Studies of bonding have examined different types: romantic love, maternal love, and unconditional love. Studies of romantic love demonstrate activations in dopamine-rich and basal ganglia structures such as the putamen, thalamus, and globus pallidus (2).

Kisspetin-10 and Cancer


The antimetastatic effect of Kisspeptins is generated through phosporylation of different MAPK’S and dephosphorylation of Akt.

Activation of intracellular kinases upon kisspeptin stimulation appears to be, at least partially, dependent on the cellular context.

In breast and ovarian cancer kisspeptin expression has been associated with metastasis and tumor growth.

In breast cancer the KiSS-1/KiSS-1R signaling may be able to regulate the initiation, progression, proliferation and metastasis of breast cancer cells through the activation of RhoA GTPases and by inducing an increase in MMP-9 activity.

In triple-negative breast cancer, there is KiSS-1 and KiSS-1R upregulation and KiSS-1R signaling promotes drug resistance and tumor invasion.






Peptide Blends

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